Integrating evidence and experience

Friday, 16 June, 2023

‘Demonstrating real-world impact can be an elusive holy grail for most NGO programme monitoring. Collaboration with Sophoi to develop the #BuildingLife RSL system has taken us a big step forward in our journey to achieving that.

The more we draw from evidence and experience, the better we can understand and refine our next step. And when it comes to measurement and evaluation, drawing on results, sense-making and learning (RSL) is key to making informed, efficient and effective progress and critical impact.

Read the full blog article on the Alliance Magazine Website.

Further Articles

Developing KPI frameworks for impact investment results

Sophoi Impact combines its expertise practical monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in social and environment development interventions with a rapidly expanding knowledge of emerging IMM metrics and standards. We have combined these skill sets to design and operationalize practical and useful KPI frameworks to establish robust IMM systems. While we continue to learn more through our work, we will share our insights on the rapid developments in this space and them with you in our Sensemaker series.